
Return and Earn

The Return and Earn Scheme is a major litter reduction initiative from the NSW Government, contributing to the Premier’s Priority of reducing the amount of litter in NSW by 40 percent by 2020. Under the Scheme, people who return an eligible drink container to a Collection Point will receive a 10cent refund.

TOMRA Cleanaway provides the network of Collection Points to facilitate refunds across NSW.

Warren’s Return and Earn Collection Point is an Over the Counter Point located at Jo’s Cotton Café, 179 Dubbo Street, Warren. For information on how to use an Over the Counter Collection Point visit the Return and Earn website

How to use collection points

Collection of eligible containers can occur between the hours of 8am until 11am, 7 Days a week. If you have a larger load of containers to drop off, please contact Jo at the Café on 02 6847 3862.

The link below gives an outline of what container’s can and cannot be refunded.

Which containers can be refunded?

Used Oil Collection

A used oil collection facility has been located at Warren Depot in Dubbo Street, Warren. Used motor oil can be deposited into the collection container anytime, 7 days a week. Please note that used oil drums are NOT to be left onsite, and charges may apply.  

Larger containers may be dropped off by prior arrangement by calling 02 6847 6600 during normal office hours.

According to the Department of the Environment and Water Resources 500 million litres of lubricating oil is sold in Australia each year. The inappropriate disposal of used oil has the potential to pollute land, water and infrastructure, so it is important to recover and recycle as much as possible.

Warren Shire Council is a part of the NetWaste Used Oil Recovery Project, which was funded through a Transitional Assistance Grant by the Product Stewardship for Oil Programme of the Department of the Environment and Water Resources.

Used oil is potentially hazardous, toxic, carcinogenic and harmful to the environment when irresponsibly discarded. It can also be poisonous if swallowed or inhaled and may present a fire hazard if not properly stored. Oil is also a non renewable resource that is technically and economically viable to recover.

A significant quantity of so called 'missing oil' is not being recovered in the NetWaste region. Without proper facilities for safe disposal, oil can seep into the ground and contaminate soil, streams, rivers, lakes and drinking water. Used motor oil contains additives such as arsenic, lead and magnesium which when released into the environment are toxic. One litre of used oil can contaminate up to one million litres of water, which is about half the size of an Olympic swimming pool.

"This Project was funded through a Transitional Assistance Grant by the Product Stewardship for Oil Programme of the Department of the Environment and Water Resources".

Netwaste Household Chemical CleanOut

Warren Shire Council participates in Netwaste's Household Chemical Cleanout programme, which allows free drop off of garden chemicals, pool chemicals, household cleaners, hobby chemicals, poisons, batteries, paint, motor oils, fluids and fuels, fluoro lights, gas bottles, fire extinguishers and smoke detectors.

Please see our Events Calendar for further details on the next available collection day.