Council Meeting Highlights - April 2023
01 May 2023
Warren Shire Highlights: April 2023
Warren Shire’s Ordinary Council Meeting was held on 27 April 2023. Highlights from this meeting included:
Warren Shire Council has allocated more than $1.31M in funding received under the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program – Phase 3 Extension Grant and Phase 4 Grant for Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Projects to community infrastructure projects across Warren Shire.
27 projects will share in this funding including Warren and Nevertire cemetery enhancements, Tiger Bay signage refurbishment, softfall installation at Ravenswood and Macquarie Parks, Victoria Park electronic scoreboard contribution and solar panel installation at various locations.
Many of Council’s Committees have previously been requested to provide lists of proposed projects and where possible, these have been included in the funding allocation.
For a full list of projects, visit Council’s website.
Warren Shire Council advises its draft 2023/2024 Operational Plan, in conjunction with its draft budget estimates for the new financial year, will be on exhibition until 1 June 2023.
The Operational Plan identifies the individual projects and activities that will be undertaken in a specific financial year to achieve the commitments made in Council’s four-year Delivery Program.
2023/2024 is anticipated to be an extremely busy year in Warren Shire, with over $26M of capital works scheduled, including a large flood restoration program on Council’s road network.
The Draft Plan can be viewed on Council’s website.
In compliance with the Local Government Act & Regulations the Draft 2023/2024 Estimates will be advertised on Wednesday 3 May 2023 in the local newspaper (Warren Star) and on Council’s website and Facebook page.
Community members and interested parties are invited to make submissions up until 4pm on Thursday 1 June 2023.
Feedback can be submitted via:
- PO Box 6, Warren NSW 2824
- Council's Administration Centre - 115 Dubbo Street, Warren.
Warren Shire Council has approved in principle the use of a parcel of land at the intersection of Wilson and Chester Streets, Warren, for development of a new Rural Fire Service (RFS) facility for the Warren Central Brigade. The in-principle support is subject to subdivision and development approvals, as well as the RFS agreeing to a range of connection and construction requirements, at its own cost.
The search for a suitable plot of land has taken several years, with the RFS currently operating from a shared facility with the State Emergency Services (SES) in Readford Street, Warren. A site near the Warren Airport was originally earmarked for the new facility, however Brigade members had raised concerns that this may be too far from the town centre to effectively operate from.
Warren Shire Council is adopting many of the recommendations from the Warren and the Visitor Economy Community Consultation Report, delivered in August 2022, including informing the community about the importance of visitors to the region. Further community consultation will be undertaken to further refine action plan steps.
Council has reformed the Destination Macquarie Marshes Taskforce to eventually include every region for which the Marshes is an asset, with its inaugural meeting of the new Taskforce held on 12 April 2023.
Reactivation of visitor services volunteers during peak periods is progressing, with the Economic Development and Visitation Manager producing a comprehensive Volunteer Onboarding Package. To be used primarily for volunteers at the Visitor Information Centre, the package can be adapted for paid employees, as well as offered to other businesses and community groups.
An updated draft of the Warren Shire Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan is nearing completion, following a meeting with the Economic Development and Promotions Committee to determine actions, timing, goals, evaluation mechanisms and assigned responsibilities. The updated document incorporates previous recommendations and supporting documentation.
Paint the Town Murals has commenced work on the latest instalment in the Public Art on Private Property series, with the campdraft/rodeo mural panels for the new Showground/Racecourse amenities to be delivered next month. This follows confirmation that the Horse Committee will donate $10,000 toward the cost of the mural, with the remaining Murray Darling Basin Economic Development Round 3 funding covering the total cost for this project.
Warren Shire Council is currently awaiting approval on several grant applications including:
- $1,779,411 under the Get NSW Active program for footpath construction along a number of Warren Shire streets;
- $9,180,124 from the NSW Government’s Infrastructure Betterment fund for rehabilitation of Segments 64-76 on Carinda Road;
- $3,116,431 from the NSW Government’s Infrastructure Betterment fund for rehabilitation of Segments 0-4 of Gibson’s Way; and
- $99, 575 under the NSW Government’s Social Cohesion Grants for Local Government – Unsung Heroes, Innovation in Volunteering program.
Council will continue to pursue funding for a number of initiatives including heating and cooling of the indoor court and gym area at the Warren Sporting and Cultural Centre and shade sails on the Western side of the wading pool at the Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool.
Major works are progressing on the Carter Oval Youth Sporting Precinct, Warren Showground / Racecourse Upgrade and Warren Airport Upgrade, with all works scheduled for completion in 2023.
Current infrastructure project updates include:
- A tender has been called for construction of the modified Airport Terminal building on 30 March and will close on 4 May 2023.
- Several new amenities buildings are expected for completion next month including Lion’s Park, Warren CBD, and Warren Pony Club toilet facilities. The amenities block and change room at Carter Oval Youth Sporting Precinct is also anticipated for completion in May 2023.
- Field remediation for the Carter Oval cricket pitch was completed in April 2023, with installation of the practice nets expected to commence shortly.
- Outstanding works for the GBS Falkiner Lounge and Viewing Area including a concourse with disability access and installation of a compliant ramp from the bar level on the ground to the upper lounge level, are scheduled to commence in May 2023.
- Construction of a combined male and female amenities facility at the Showground/Racecourse commenced this month and is expected to be completed by July 2023.
Warren Shire Council has also accepted a tender from Central Industries Pty Ltd for construction of the bird viewing platform at Monkeygar Creek to the value of $382,270 (ex GST).
Crews are continuing to make progress on damage repairs and standard maintenance works across the Shire. Recent works include building the levee, flood emergency works, rehabilitation work, grading, pulling out grids, patching, resealing and slashing.
In addition, upcoming maintenance and rehabilitation works include:
Elsinore Road, Old Warren Road, Burrima Boardwalk Access Road Construction, Collie-Trangie Road, Warren Road, Oxley Highway, Merrigal Road, Pineclump Soldiers Road, Colane Road, Marra Road and Booka Road.
Read the full Road Report on Council's website.
- Council’s MANEX Committee reported that a time extension has been granted until March 2024 to complete restoration works under the March 2021 Flood and Storm damage claim.
Works programs are being developed and further damage claims are being assessed under claims for floods and storms from November 2021 to December 2022.
- The Alliance of Western Councils (AWC) will obtain quotations for a business case regarding the development and establishment of a Water and Sewer Training Centre in the Orana Water Utilities Alliance (OWUA) region. The business case for the Centre will be funded 50% by AWC and 50% from remaining funds available through the Orana Joint Organisation (JO).
- Friday 12 May 2023: Goldner String Quartet – Warren Chamber Music Festival
- Saturday 13 May 2023: WOW Markets, Music and More - Window on the Wetlands
- Thursday 25 May 2023: Council Meeting
- Saturday 3 June 2023: Warren Show
See a full list of upcoming events in Warren Shire on Council’s website.