Council Meeting Highlights - August 2022
26 August 2022
August 2022
Warren Shire’s Ordinary Council Meeting was held on Thursday 25 August 2022. Highlights from this meeting included:
- The Warren Public Arts Committee recommendation to include historic Warren-Shire themed and Macquarie River-themed collage wraps on the soon-to-be constructed public amenities in the Warren CBD and Lions Park has been actioned by Council, with a call-out to the public to supply images for inclusion.
- Council has accepted the recommendation of the Economic Development and Promotions Committee for the reactivation of Visitor Services Volunteers during peak periods, with Expressions of Interest for volunteers for the Visitor Information Centre to be arranged as soon as practical.
This will be managed by the soon-to-be appointed Economic Development and Visitation Manager to ensure lists, position requirements, expectations, rosters and actions are appropriately managed.
- The Roads Committee presented its nominations for future road funding, with the Mayor and General Manager requested to provide further advice to the Minister for Regional Roads for the betterment of Oxley Highway near Ewenmar Creek.
- The Warren Local Emergency Management Committee discussed preparations for the current flooding and inclement weather situation and was advised of the new Australian Fire Rating Danger system that will be implemented across Australia from 1 September 2022.
- $285,088 for 2022/23 hazard reduction grant funding from the NSW Rural Fire Service.
- $119,286 for five community-hosted and one Council event under the Reconnecting Regional NSW Community Events Program. Successful events include:
- Burrima Boardwalk Grand Opening, Macquarie Wetlands Association
- Far West Schools Ramsay Championship, NSW Rugby Union
- Celebration of Warren Youth Festival, Warren Youth Support Group Incorporated
- Brass on the Grass, Warren Chamber Music Festival
- Golden Oldies Game Day, Gilgandra Cricket Association
- Christmas Street Party Celebrations 2022, Warren Shire Council.
Council has commenced preparations for the 2022 Christmas Street Party Celebrations, with more information to come soon.
- $1.87M for rehabilitation of 23 roads in Warren Shire that sustained storm and flood damage in early 2021, under Transport for NSW’s (TfNSW) Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
- $1M in funding under the NSW Local Government Recovery Grant Program, for damage sustained during flooding and severe weather events in 2022. A proposal of nominated projects is due within three months, with works to be completed by June 2024.
Major works are progressing on the Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct, Warren Showground / Racecourse Upgrade and Warren Airport Upgrade, with all works scheduled for completion in late 2022 or early 2023.
Due to the ongoing wet weather conditions, most unsealed roads within Warren Shire have only just been opened again WITH CAUTION. A number of roads that are being affected by flooding also remain closed at this time.
Council thanks all residents and visitors for their patience while we work to repair all roads damaged by the ongoing inclement weather. This level of continued rainfall presents unprecedented circumstances for the condition of Warren Shire’s road network and we appreciate your cooperation during this time.
In addition, upcoming maintenance and rehabilitation works include:
Heatherbrae Road, Cremorne Road, Dandaloo Road, Old Warren Road, Sullivans Road, Colane Road, Marra Road, Bundemar Road, Boss Lane, Wonbobbie Lane, Cullemburrawang Road and Gillendoon Road.
Read the full August Road Report and please check Council’s website and Facebook page for a full list of road closures and the latest conditions updated daily.
Warren Shire Mural Series: With the Nevertire Reservoir Mural completed by artist Bastian Allfrey last month, the Public Art on Private Property mural series in Collie is also nearing completion. Funded under the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program Round 3, these murals continue Warren Shire’s Mural Series, following the unveiling of the Stafford Street Water Tower mural late last year.
Warren Shire Sculpture Series: Following the installation of the interactive table tennis sculpture in Victoria Park, a further four sculptures have been completed for installation along the Victoria Park River Walk. These works are funded under the Drought Communities Extension Program.
Council will continue as a member of the Central West Council’s Environment and Waterways Alliance -- an organisation representing the Councils of Central West NSW to share resources, attract grant funding and build capacity in regard to regional environment management.
Through the Alliance, Council has:
- Participated in the Creating Homes for Threatened Species project, which saw 500 artificial hollows cut into existing tress across 17 local government areas by skilled arborists.
- Been a successful recipient of the 2021 Small Grants funding for completion of the Tiger Bay Wetlands Walkway.
- Attracted region-wide support to produce the State of the Environment Report.
- 2-4 September 2022: Warren Campdraft.
- 7 October 2022: Grow Warren Services Expo.
- 29 October 2022: Classical Music Festival (QYO Big Band Concert).
- 6 November 2022: Cotton Cup.
See a full list of upcoming events in Warren Shire:
- Council’s $6.15M investment in improved sewerage services will go live in September. This essential infrastructure upgrade will deliver improved sewerage services to the Warren Shire community, particularly in periods of heavy rainfall.
- RaRMS Health will discontinue its Rural and Remote Medical Services Program at the Warren Family Health Centre from Friday 30 September 2022, due to financial constraints.
Council has been actively investigating alternative providers to take over the provision of a community health service in Warren Shire and is currently in discussions with five interested parties. Read more at Council’s website.
- All residents are reminded that a change to bin collection days is commencing from Monday 5 September 2022.